You can tell capitalism is super efficient and sustainable by how it totally collapses without fresh babies to sacrifice.
Progressives have made kids useless. In the distant past they could help carry firewood or gay bales around the homestead.
Industrial revolution fucked it up. Sure for a while you could send them down into the mines or get them sweeping chimneys but over time that got outlawed due to the increased danger these jobs involved.
Now, why bother having kids? You can’t do anything with them. Even worse, they play games like Minecraft. You are literally spending your money for them to virtually work in the mines where they don’t bring in any money at all!
Now, why bother having kids? You can’t do anything with them.
You mean you can’t do anything profitable with them. Maybe people should be able to have a family for other reasons than profit
Even without capitalism you need production, and children used to be part of that. Back then you would have as many kids as you could so that they could run your farm.
I’m not defending the current system, but profit isn’t the only reason the birthrate is declining in so many countries.
And the farm would largely be to feed your own family. Not profit.
“It’s so expensive to have children in Japan that birthrate is further declining.”
I swear to God these people couldn’t connect the dots with a GPS.
Well it does get a lot more expensive when almost everybody wants to live in the same tiny square of the country Tokyo’s population will decline in 2035 according to some estimates
Surely if they just instill good Christian moral values like forced birth, racism, and tribal isolationism all their problems will be solved.
In the context of Capitalism, sure, Japan is in trouble.
But then again, any system that demands infinite growth within a finite system has a biological parallel… in cancer. Yes, capitalism is economic cancer.
Japan has a bright future in front of it, if it can successfully pioneer an effective degrowth system that prioritizes the lives of people over Paraiste-Class profits.
Is cancer really cancer if the rest of the body can adapt and grow faster than it? You describe capitalism as a finite system and then heavily imply that we’re near the outer boundary of that system or that all current and future resources are almost depleted.
The fact that our planet’s resources are finite is a matter of physics. Capitalism may come up with some innovation or another that adds more lifespan to it, the way that digital spaces and the financial industry have done, or it may have another global war that creates room for a new period of traditional growth at the cost of countless lives, but it will inevitably hit an insurmountable wall.
Why not just promote immigration. America seems to not have that problem
A culture of xenophobia
Javan has a lot of anger towards tourists too but people still vacation there. Seems the war is a scar that needs healing. I can tell you I still haven’t healed from emotion scars from decades ago. The difference between Japan and Hawaii is land accumulation. Japan has a lot of abandoned area that would benefit from immigration. A cultural town would be an idea. Lots of Americans in one area. It’s 2025 and we weren’t even around during the Vietnam or Cold War. I mean the change needs to happen somehow and it’s mutually beneficial. Maybe after trump leaves office tho
nothing about the idea of having children appeals to me in the slightest
Me neither 😆 and now my son is 5 y old
We discovered him about 4 month after creation…
Everyone has their opinions and circumstances, but anecdotally my time with children has been some of the happiest.
I love my kids and my life with them. People who pridefully claim they don’t want children is similar to people being prideful of not eating pizza.
No one gives a shit about your preferences.
your preferences about my preferences can suck my balls