He looks like he was drawn by Rob Liefeld.
for the unfamiliar:
It looks more like captain america has some massive honkers and anasarca
Bro built like a deep breath.
Someone’s gotta explain to me how Elon manages to look completely different in almost every pic I see of him on the Internet.
Maybe he is wearing a body suit? Or he is the shape shifting lizard person Q tried to warn everyone about? /s
He looks like he takes HGH and doesn’t work out
Bingo. I’m surprised more people aren’t calling this out. Musk is taking a unhealthy amounts of “youth drugs” and not actually working out. Dude is so obsessed with his image. Just like Trump who’s ties and suits don’t fit because he forces his tailor to fit to his ego and not his reality.
Fucking nazis and commies at the top of our government. What the actual fuck.
What commies? This makes no sense?!
Putin is a hard line communist. Do you know what that means? And I’m not talking about the socioeconomic philosophy of communism, I’m referring to the oppressive totalitarian “commies” who slaughtered millions of Russians and set up the entire “black market” economy (now called “oligarchs”).
History is important in understanding context.
Putin is a violent, ruthless dictator supported by a corrupt oligarchy. While he might claim to borrow ideas from communism, 9/10 people I have heard supporting communism hate Putin.
And while I don’t really like conservatives, I also think it’s unfair to most conservatives to pretend Trump is “just conservative”.
Real chance of camouflaged bullet proof vest
There’s only one way to find out