Well. That’s it then.
Doesn’t matter what the terrorists in charge say. Real America should double down on support for our friends in Ukraine.
Funding. Supplies. Volunteer work. Combat footage analysis. Supportive memes and propaganda. Offensive hacking of Russian assets for teh lulz. Whatever we can do.
How do we find the helpers here?
America should double down support for the Ukrainian regime that shot and killed unarmed pro-separatist protestors on film with some of those being shot at, having their hands up with this occurring even before Russian war criminal Igor Girkin ignited everything further? A strange albeit sadly common take.
Well, more to the point: it’s like the US canceling Lend-Lease for the USSR right before the battle of Stalingrad.
The US did halt lend lease shipments to the USSR in the middle of Stalingrad in order to support actions in Tunisia.
That’s a very different context and you know it. That’s resource scarcity and triage. What’s happening now is we’re switching teams to the bad guys.
Yes, I am quite aware. US cut off intelligence to Ukraine and are planning to end sanctions with Russia which is as if the Americans stop cooperation with the Soviets completely during WW2 and gave lend-lease to the Nazis instead.
I personally see Russian conflict with Ukraine to be more grey vs grey considering that there is footage of Ukrainian troops mowing down pro-Russian protesters with guns in post-Maidan Mariupol (not as bad as Russia’s Bucha atrocity I admit) but to each their own.