I’ve been around for a while and this is the first time I’m seeing something like this. I’m wondering if I picked up something nasty or if this is something that other people are seeing.

  • Synapse@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    This is not new. Other distro have this too. In Gnome you will have a tick box in the Shutdown/reboot dialogue and you can opt-out of this offline update. If you update yourself with package manager, you will not need to go through the offline update.

    Personally, I like it. It’s predictable, reboots once, updates, shuts off. Unlike Windows which will update, reboot, Update some more, get stuck for 30 minutes, reboot another time, finishing the updates and finally shuts down. And if you have encrypted (bitlocker or such) you have to attend the whole process and miss your fucking train and stay in the office 30 minutes more because of this BS. Sorry, I got carried away a little bit.