Hoping that it’s possible to get one at a good price maybe end of summer. By the time it’s possible to grab one, it’ll be hot and I don’t run AC. Once it’s fall, used market at least hopefully isn’t trash
they can get fucked with those prices, along with the fat fuck with the skinny jackets. tech is supposed to get better and cheaper at the same time.
RX 570, a midrange GPU, was introed at $170 in 2017. almost a decade later, midrange starts at $600? gtfo.
9070 is high-end
Nothing about this gen is high-end, they killed the high-end lineup so these could be more successful mid-range cards.
Anything is high end compared to my gtx 1650
Yea I had to walk out of the room so my 1060 wouldn’t get it’s feelings hurt.
The one thing though… There’s room left for performance optimizations. The main downside of my initial Linux testing was that the performance wasn’t as great as what’s been reported under Windows 11 with the official Radeon Windows driver.
I’d love to see some actual numbers. I’m considering getting one for myself, but I’m unsure about how they will perform for the first couple of months until we get proper support