Are there any issues with driver support for 8k that will affect purchase choice?
I recently bought an 8k TV (which is not brutally expensive when refurbished) and want to connect my workstation to it. I went through the list of video cards from my local store and the cheapest that claims 8k support is the Gigabyte RX 6400.
Is a Gigabyte RX 6400 Eagle 4G a good video card for mostly text output at 8k resolution? I might do things like play Netflix in 1/4 of the screen and have text in the other 3/4. Definitely nothing at all challenging in terms of video. AMD drivers have a history of being reliable, but will I face some issues like lack of HDMI support for 8k?
I’ve watched a YouTube video about trying this on Windows and they got frame rates as low as 4 FPS for games which is not a concern for me. It definitely works OK with Windows driving the card. Will I be likely to have issues running the same hardware on Linux?
For reference, I have a 6700XT on a 4k videoprojector, and it’s fluid for 4k video and games (but it’s a gaming card). The drivers are excellent and the card is stable. Thus said, I read some web videos through mpv, which is more optimized. On Youtube 4k, it works as well. I’ve tried 8k downsized and it was bit laggy, so I don’t think a 6400 is enough for 8k video. I also had to buy a HDMI cable with more throughput! Videos aside, I think it’s okay for the display only (texts and images), but wait for another reviewer because the 6400 is less powerful, so I can’t confirm. However, if it works on Windows, it will work on Linux.
Seems the card supports it, so shouldn’t be a problem. I’d be more concerned about which refresh modes the TV handles that are also compatible with the card at 8k.
You will need either an Intel discrete GPU or NVidia GPU if you want to use HDMI 2.1 to render at 8k@60. The Intel discrete GPUs have physical hardware that convert to HDMI and Nvidia uses proprietary drivers. If you can use displayport, any GPU (AMD, Intel, Nvidia) supporting displayport 1.4 is suitable for up to 8k@31 (limited to 8bpc). A displayport 2.0-capable card with a cable suitable for UHBR 13.5 should be able to handle 60 hz (8bpc) or a UHBR 20-rated cable capable of 60 hz at 10bpc.
Based on your comment, I understand that AMD GPUs aren’t capable of 8k@60 over HDMI. Is that the case? If so, why?
Only on Linux, because the HDMI forum didn’t allow AMD to write an open source driver with HDMI 2.1 features
AMD made an open source driver for HDMI 2.1 but HDMI forum won’t approve. They locked down the specification for 2.1 and say the driver would reveal it.
I don’t know if an earlier version can do 8k@60HD.