I’m guessing people preordered it to get these numbers. An obviously buggy game slips through the cracks again.
You guys have to stop falling for this shit
I’ll never pay $70 for a game. Still waiting on Dragons Dogma 2 to go on sale. Even if it’s the same with inflation, why would I pay that for an unpolished product that still nickel and dimes me?
Games have been $70 for so long dude. I remember getting Mario party 64 for like $75.why do people act like this is so recent?
Also dragons dlgma 2 was like $40 a few months ago.
Console Gamers I reckon. Monster Hunter World was the same way, a “huge success” despite being an undercooked mess.
Won’t be me.
What a weird take. And I don’t even like MH games
Recently a gamer news magazine reported that they cannot reccomend the game to anyone due to bad performance and gamebreaking bugs. Just like the World launch which sparked protests over Capcoms 0 refund ever policy.