The era of deep economic, security and military ties between Canada and the United States "is over," Prime Minister Mark Carney said Thursday, after President Donald Trump announced steep auto tariffs. "The old relationship we had with the United States based on deepening integration of our economies and tight security and military cooperation is over," Carney said.
“Don’t make me hit you harder.”
Abusive relationships are the only kind Trump knows how to have.
He’s a socially stunted bully (wait is that repeating myself?, not sure up to a certain age anyways) so yes, I think one of most satisfying wishes to make these days would be to give Trump self awareness and empathy.
Quick edit, like in the 90s Bedazzled movie with Hurley and Fraser where he asks to be sensitive.
I see that playing out like in the comic when the Joker was temporarily made sane. He was hysterical about the monstrous things he’d done and begged to be killed. Trump’s entire being is malice and cruelty. Without it, he would no longer exist.