I wouldnt be so sure about that. I’ve heard people say stuff that was mindbogglingly dumber than that, completely seriously.
I wouldnt be so sure about that. I’ve heard people say stuff that was mindbogglingly dumber than that, completely seriously.
Where did anyone say anything remotely like that?
Thats some goddamn thought police shit.
Also tells you how goddamn awful the powers that be are, that the only way they can stop criticism of their badness is to ban anyone that even gives the lowest effort agreement with the criticism.
Is that 200 euro fun money that you can set on fire and be absolutely unaffected by its loss?
If yes, then why not. roll the dice.
If you cant afford to throw 200 euro in the trash? then obviously do the smart thing and don’t buy a potentially seriously damaged/unfixable card.
I think a lot of thje problem is just wanting a cheap controller, and cheap controllers typically arent well made and have problems that can be mistaken for linux issued when used on linux.
Its why I ended up just buying a official PS5 controller on black friday for 50% off, wasnt cheap… but doesnt have any of the problem the cheap PoS’s have either.
everyone wants to force you to use apps instead of websites, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of apps are just websites…in a app wrapper, because normal websites and normal browsers have inbuilt protections for you.
Apps don’t.
Idiots install apps, give them the 400,000 permissions they ask for, then go on their merry way…ignorant to the fact that they just installed a data vacuum on their phone thats siphoning everything off of it to be used and sold and resold for marketing purposes… Even the phone itself its not safe, cause its sitting there, listening to your conversations, even when not on a call, to more “Accurately” spam you with bullshit.
thats what /s is for.