The same people who have historically bankrolled and controlled Republicans also run the Democrats. It’s kinda hard to “fight the system” when the oligarchs are the system.
The same people who have historically bankrolled and controlled Republicans also run the Democrats. It’s kinda hard to “fight the system” when the oligarchs are the system.
Europe should go ahead and send their armies into Ukraine instead of making speeches on TV. That is who they are saying they are. Please keep the USA out of endless war.
It’s ok you’re a bully. You have insulted me and continuously harassed me for days even though I have forgiven you. Idk what more i can do to help you to become more comfortable with your new self realization of your need to harm others emotionally.
I knew you would get there.
No you’re being disingenuous by attempting to change the topic we are actually discussing which was people being harassed for driving the “wrong type of electric car” by terrible people who feel justified in victimizing them. While these victimizers congratulate themselves for being “good people” which they are not.
Just own it. If you insult and degrade others for having a different opinion than you yes, you are a bully. It’s ok. Your hate is making you powerful.
The biden\harris administration told people to buy electric, offered tax breaks, and tax rebates for 4 years. Every car manufacturer started producing electric cars at their request. Where have you been?
Just own it. Stop pretending that engaging in bullying insulting behavior is somehow different because YOU did it. You’re a bully and it’s ok, I’ve met a lot of bullies and you won’t be the last. You hate anyone that disagrees with you but i don’t hate you.
Destroying people’s property is not a joke. Kicking, spray painting, throwing food at, and other forms of harassment are wrong. The last administration told everyone to “go electric” so people tried to do what they thought was right. Cars are a huge expense, people can’t " just go get another one".
You can call me names. If their population’s intention is to harm us economically then maybe they aren’t great allies?
Guess they aren’t really our allies after all. The truth always comes out eventually.
America’s border isn’t in Eastern Europe.
It is not our place to fund their war and their country any longer. Americans need help and those hundreds of billions could be helping our people. If Ukraine wants to continue fighting then do it without US support.
What makes them bad? That they disagree with you is the answer.That is what fuels your bullying. That and your insatiable need to taste fresh blood.