Not if there is a BACKUP folder with daily copies of all your spreadsheets.
Sifting through the backups is so much fun when you’re trying to find when a particular issue started.
That there is no perfect defense. There is no protection. Being alive means being exposed; it’s the nature of life to be hazardous—it’s the stuff of living.
Not if there is a BACKUP folder with daily copies of all your spreadsheets.
Sifting through the backups is so much fun when you’re trying to find when a particular issue started.
It’s not the worst option available, it might not be the cleanest solution, but it does offer a level of flexibility if you have an in-depth understanding of key operational (or financial) business processes.
Just goes to show that a spreadsheet is a very powerful tool.🤣
The US made one is the real issue. 😆
Only read the abstract (Schmidt, the Google oligarch, is clearly unreliable), but this reads like AI doomer propaganda. It’s a propaganda technique to hype the dangers of AI in a bombastic manner in order to keep the grift going.
The Americans are definitely going to cut off StarLink, we don’t have any option even if OneWeb isn’t fully ready.
This is not new. I believe they’ve been doing this as far back as Obama (although it might have been less widespread back then).
It’s an AI pump and dump attempt.
But spreadsheet can function like a database. 🤣