From what I’ve heard this is largely due to bad weather due to climate change, as I understand it, we should not expect coffee prices to ever go back to where they were.
For the past 4-5 years it seems prices have only gone up here. It’s more than triple now of what it used to be before Covid, and that’s only 5 years!
But I’m not an expert, this is just what I’ve been seeing as a heavy coffee drinker in the supermarket, and what I’ve gathered from short news tid-bits.
Here (Denmark) a pack of coffee 500g could be had for as low as $3 before Covid, now it’s very rare to see below $7. But most brands have decreased the size of their packs to hide it.
Also there are many that use capsules and other ways to make coffee, where the price isn’t as much dependent on the actual coffee, but more the markup of the brand.