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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • From what I’ve heard this is largely due to bad weather due to climate change, as I understand it, we should not expect coffee prices to ever go back to where they were.
    For the past 4-5 years it seems prices have only gone up here. It’s more than triple now of what it used to be before Covid, and that’s only 5 years!

    But I’m not an expert, this is just what I’ve been seeing as a heavy coffee drinker in the supermarket, and what I’ve gathered from short news tid-bits.

  • Digg was absolutely amazing when it was new, but it didn’t take long to turn to shit for some reason, and reddit was way better during the old reddit/Digg war.
    Fun thing is that reddit now does many of the same things Digg did before Digg turned completely away from its original concept.

    I must admit my hopes for Digg becoming relevant for me again is near zero, like VERY near zero.

  • Cash is still king for me for whatever reason.

    Yes, I think that’s just a matter of time, what government can refuse the ability to follow all money transactions?
    Of course we have privacy regulation, and especially regarding banks for some reason. But it only takes a court order to get it anyway.
    It will soon be very difficult to have illegal money, without a digital footprint.

    Cash is still king for me for whatever reason.

    Cash is just inconvenient IMO, before mobile pay we used it privately with friends and trading 2nd hand. But it’s been years since I’ve used cash at all, although I still carry around the equivalent of $100. Just in case of being stranded somewhere, and there are disruptions of digital payments.

  • You can use cash for everything below $3000, this limit is to prevent things corruption and whitewashing.
    Cash is legal tender, and can’t be refused as payment.
    It’s true we are very digitized in everything like communications with public systems like Tax etc. and also businesses like banks.
    Almost everything is done digitally. An we have a secure system for electronic mail, which is also used for signing papers.

    It is a requirement to have these systems, But there are exceptions, if you for some reason can’t use the digital services, you can be exempted.

    PS: It will still be possible to send letters after “Post Nord” stops the service. There are other companies that still have this service.
    But Post Nord is the old Monopoly company that was traditionally used for it exclusively.

    PPS: Personally I’d really like to get rid of the physical mailbox, I very rarely check it for mail, because in the 6 years we’ve been living here, I think We’ve gotten about 5 letters, 2 of which were for the previous owner!!