Pack your asses into Globemasters and GTFO. Leave the fighter jets and the armor for the people still willing to fight for democracy.
Pack your asses into Globemasters and GTFO. Leave the fighter jets and the armor for the people still willing to fight for democracy.
I think 2 is technically the better game, but it is marred by its mtx and really half-assed support after the studio got shaken up.
I honestly have no interest in the 100% future setting of KF3. I like the weapons modeled after real ones, not the LED schlock of the HMtech or whatever.
I love the militant far-right’s obsession with disabling the power grid. Like yeah, if you took out my town’s power for months, ground my job to a halt, and put the vulnerable in danger, I would take up arms…against you.
He and his circle already made millions on puts and invested the winnings back into a dipping market, now it’s time to ease off the gas to drive the value back up. Repeat every week or two.
Its always guys that look like they extract peyote in their kitchen.
American “commitment” to anything is worthless now more than ever. Like giving cash loans to a bombed out drug addict you can only expect pain by penning deals with us.
That is a lot of manpower that could be used elsewhere, were they actually a public service.