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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023

  • Yep.

    I work in IT, if I’m on a call or actively working a ticket that I can finish and just ran out of time? I’ll stay, happily, and finish it.

    I’ll help cover vacations, and if I like the company, other people calling in to an extent.

    The longest stretch I worked was when I was much younger (and dumber). Retail, before the holidays. There were a variety of contributing factors at work, but in the end I worked 22 days in a row, most often 12+ hours a day. The OT pay was nice, don’t get me wrong, but I quickly learned that my time and well being are worth more than most employers can offer, even with OT adjustments.

    I slept over 24 hours straight, and my body hurt ALL over for two weeks. That was with a wonderful girlfriend at the time who knew her way around a massage, and was happy to do so when asked - and I needed it then, lol.