The funny thing is that if Trump starts attacking him, it will have the opposite effect in Canada and will win him votes. I wonder if Trump is too braindead to realize that. We’ll see tomorrow.
The funny thing is that if Trump starts attacking him, it will have the opposite effect in Canada and will win him votes. I wonder if Trump is too braindead to realize that. We’ll see tomorrow.
McDonald’s couldn’t even get AI to take drive-through orders properly. Musk wants it to run the government without even doing a test run first.
4 days ago in a conversation with Trump Trudeau said he didn’t know when the elections will take place in Canada. Trump immediately jumped to the conclusion that “Trudeau is using the tariffs to stay in power” and raised a big public stink about it, not once realizing that what Trudeau meant is that the date of the elections (which will have to happen before October of this year no matter what) was completely out of his hands because he was about to step down as prime minister. How the fuck did Trump not know that? It’s not like it was a secret or anything. Everyone knew Trudeau was going to step down today except him.
Wanna bet Trump will be once again confused by this transition and will call it a “coup” now?
The tariffs purpose is to damage Canada’s economy in a severely misguided and ignorant plan to annex it.
He saw how the lagging economy ruined Trudeau’s approval ratings and thinks that damaging the economy more will somehow magically make Canadians want to join the US.
War thunder players be like: “wwwwwwwwwwww”
I just caught myself almost rooting for China for a moment there. It has been a wild month.
“Nobody knows more about bankrupting your own businesses like I do. People ask me, how can you bankrupt a casino? They’re money printers! And I tell them, I’m the best there is at it. I’m going to make this country the most bankrupt country there is and it is going to be so beautiful. People love me for this. They love me bigly.”
It’s not dumb only if their intent is to destroy the US and the West from within for Putin.
Dude: “I wish traffic in my area wasn’t so bad”
Genie: “Ok, people driving in your area will be financially penalized for using their car instead of public transit, therefore alleviating traffic.”
Dude: “hey wait, I want an exception made for me! I am special. I am the main character, I should be the only one driving a car!”
Genie: “That was your third wish. Goodbye.”
He’s either completely senile or doing Putin’s bidding by destroying whatever is left of the US’s international credibility.