Depends if you have the executive function that permits such ambition.
If you don’t, yes. It you aren’t sure, try your best. It you do, I am pretty sure you won’t, and that should be your guiding star to go.
Depends if you have the executive function that permits such ambition.
If you don’t, yes. It you aren’t sure, try your best. It you do, I am pretty sure you won’t, and that should be your guiding star to go.
War Thunder, if your 'tism is weapons grade and a national security risk.
They didn’t say “please”, nobody is being polite to the AI.
It’s like y’all don’t like the basilisk, and that is problematic, for you.
I don’t care for golf and wish golf courses were better used spaces, but the thing about golf that makes it interesting is the meditative practice of being able to swing the club in just the right way to make the ball go where it needs to.
I like archery and you have the same sort of thing going on there. You have to have your positioning, movements, focus, and smoothness of action to hit the target. You can tell how you failed before the arrow hits the target. Working on fine tuning your actions is enjoyable.
Not really, Germany is very tough on Nazi imagery. You can’t display anything even close to Nazi stuff unless it is in a strictly historical context. Video games and movies where Nazis are clearly enemies and are killed had to edit swastikas to an analog because it would not be allowed to be released in Germany.
They are so shamed by their past that anything that may plausibly be Nazi stuff is verboten(forbidden auf Deutsch).
So it is the question of it being a Nazi salute or not that makes it radioactive to German media, not that they consider it undeniably a Nazi salute.