This is why I support it.
I don’t want Reddit on Lemmy. Way too many fascists on the hellsite.
This is why I support it.
I don’t want Reddit on Lemmy. Way too many fascists on the hellsite.
TIL I learned about the PS controller meta meanings, which make sense.
The other thing I already knew.
A cotton plantation in the West Indies? Presumably the comments were pretty bad.
Kind of implies it’s going to be handpicked as well, considering they’re taking randoms off the street.
Nah, this is based.
💪Citizen Soldier Time 💪
By making it about mandatory training (presumably in small blocks) instead of enslaving your citizens into the army for a couple years of their life you’re actually promoting liberty and demystifying military service while making your nation harder to invade. You also just naturally have an out for pacifists and other noncombatants, the training doesn’t necessarily have to be martial, logistics arguably matter more.
This is literally one of the founding premises of a classical Republic, that all citizens are responsible for defending each other. Not that their definition of citizen was particularly open or perfect, but still.
Assuming they’re telling the truth about how they’re going to handle it, anyways.
Obviously it’d be better if they had an anarchist revolution and smashed the state, but guess what everyone needs to be doing to protect their society if they do that?
I remember Gex even though I never played it and no one else did either so I don’t know if that makes him good at marketing or not.
That’s not really true, per Smithian capitalism but Smith also called landlords parasites so
His immense disregard for the message of LotR makes sense because he also disregards the message of Jeebus, who he also claims to be a super fan of.
I think he might just be illiterate.
And I’d have been Challenger in LoL instead of plat if it wasn’t for my team.
Just like how I got Challenger in TFT the moment my favorite comp became meta as the system recognized my inherent greatness
Needs more Pastafarians
I don’t have to, but should I?
A 15% bootlicker quotient is actually amazing, the global average is 30%
(her lawyers are more effective than Congress)
I’m surprised the lower class peasants are allowed to read in the first place.
Humans confirmed worse than brain dead frogs
But saying a Nazi called you a Nazi for pointing out that they’re a Nazi is fun
It’s pretty weird that you’re playing this game considering that link
Just say what happened
But if I pay $20 a month I don’t have to spend $15 on shipping!