Have you ever, in your life, received a rent decrease because they were matching the economic conditions…?
Have you ever, in your life, received a rent decrease because they were matching the economic conditions…?
Not as wild as almost 10,000 of their residents wanting that!
Don’t forget about housing! Can’t even have shelter from the elements without paying through the nose to some rent-raising billionaire or giant corporation…
The rational people of Georgia, of course!
I… think that’s a turtle.
Open-source technology absolutely is making the world better.
Putin wants it. That’s why this is happening.
Haven’t you been watching the Olympics and seen Google’s ad for Gemini?
Premise: your daughter wants to write a letter to an athlete she admires. Instead of helping her as a parent, Gemini can magic-up a draft for her!
Okay, but when this is discussed “making opt out the default” means you are signed up and have to opt out if you don’t want to be signed up.