It’s like asking if you think a calculator is smarter than you.
It’s like asking if you think a calculator is smarter than you.
I had a conversation with a friend who claimed the road and sign system we have in our country, has errors in it causing her brand new car to act weird.
By acting weird she meant, phantom breaking. Breaking when the car thinks the car driving the opposite direction is coming head on. Sudden and small jerks inside the lane. Not following the speed limit.
She thought and probably still thinks the road system and not the car, is at fault. It’s a Skoda fyi. These assistants ruin driving. I’m hesitant to catch a ride with her again.
It’s just a Roman bonfire my doods!
Good, Elon seriously deserves to lose it all from this. He threatens to shut off Starlink for Ukraine. He’s a nazi making the core buyers of Tesla take a stance. Governmental subsidies are cut to the bone, but not his SpaceX, yet? He’s more unreliable than Google at this point.
I love how most of the world has turned against him.