Calves are an eyebrow raiser? Lordy. What’s the world coming to when we can’t openly discuss nice calves. When I say I love legs, I mean the whole leg.
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
I’m using a new phone keyboard, please forgive typos.
Calves are an eyebrow raiser? Lordy. What’s the world coming to when we can’t openly discuss nice calves. When I say I love legs, I mean the whole leg.
Sqlite is a good example of this. They explicitly say the project is open source but not open contribution.
This is part of what suggesting alternatives to Discord is hard. People tend to view it as one thing, often chat or voice/video, instead of a holistic solution that is all of those things and more along with making most tasks super easy to do for people.
What front end do you use? I don’t see them on Jerboa app.
That’s weird, I always viewed GPS as a form of American Imperialism. Sure, it’s a bit extreme maybe, but America does own and operate it and jam it when enemies try to use it.
Doesn’t “nice but short but the meat is in the world and side missions” describe most RPGs nowadays?
Oh I’m so sorry someone asked for an enamel pin from Amazon. Maybe next time someone asks me for a gift from somewhere I’ll subject them to a purity test.
I had an Amazon bot lie to me. I told it some item didn’t show up and I wanted a replacement. It said it would send one and it would show up in my orders. It never did. So I requested a refund later. So tedious.
Checks and balances are only are good as the morals of the people enforcing them.
Can you elaborate? I might fit that criteria.