The source code for the AI is open for you to read, afaik. I didn’t actually find a link to the code on the site but it claimed the source code was open
The source code for the AI is open for you to read, afaik. I didn’t actually find a link to the code on the site but it claimed the source code was open
I’m not that into the idea, and the simulation kind of ruins what I’m after anyway. I want to feel it when I get a good/bad shift and I want it to matter.
Sure, you can simulate the engine rumbling and the gears grinding. You can even rock the boat a bit with some hydraulics. When I shift “wrong” you can make me feel it for sure. But when I shift right, it’s not just smooth so that you can’t feel it. It’s smooth so that you can feel it ya know? (Okay maybe it wasn’t that smooth and what you’re really feeling is a slight clutch dump but wasn’t it fun)
Isn’t that just competition?
No no no, we only call it competition when it benefits the in-group
The same way anything can be considered a weapon. They “harmed” other economies by undercutting them.
I don’t necessarily agree that that behavior is harmful, but that is the reasoning behind calling it a weapon
EVs don’t shift
I know there’s no reason for them to, but a small part of me wishes there was. Something so satisfying about being good at managing gears
Looks to be proper open source too, not just open weights or open parameters
Earth did not win