What is the benefit of using labplot over matplotlib or seaborn?
What is the benefit of using labplot over matplotlib or seaborn?
I don’t know how many teenage programmers you have interacted with recently, but they are generally just learning the basics, learning core concepts, experimenting, etc…
There is a huge gap between making small, sometimes very cool and creative even, projects and understanding a giant legacy codebase in a language that is not taught anymore. I mean, even university grads often have trouble learning legacy code, much less in COBOL.
You wouldn’t say your average teenage cook could make a gourmet meal for a house of 50 people 😅 not a dis, just they haven’t had the time to get to greybeard level yet
Also another downside, if I am not mistaken, is that all of the chat metadata is unencrypted, unlike alternatives like signal. (I think this is the nature of being essentially encrypted email on the backend)
Only Android Open Source Project, not the different phone UIs, vendor blobs, firmware, camera apps, etc… It is really the basics that are open source.
But also the source of android is 100% controlled by google unless it is an alternative forked project like lineageOS (at least I think so)