there’s a significant difference in jamming capability between different frequencies? Are you jamming them from space or something?
That doesn’t really seem like a significant technical limitation to me.
there’s a significant difference in jamming capability between different frequencies? Are you jamming them from space or something?
That doesn’t really seem like a significant technical limitation to me.
this is just some autistic shit from musk most likely.
technically, originally the GPS system was private, until made public, where it had error obfuscation, until semi recently it was released fully.
It was originally funded by the US government, still is, it’s just publicly accessible now.
(the original usecase being for shit like ICBMs and what not, obviously)
GPS? You mean the technology that we as a country collective maintain? And have continued to maintain since it’s immediate inception?
Yeah, ok.
Call me when you start using glonass.
good shitpost
i mean, this is less of a property tax issue and more of a social security thing.
Though i am pretty fundamentally against property tax, it’s a physical thing that i can own, i don’t see why i should pay taxes on it. If you want to tax me just hit me with income tax.
it was his idea, his vision. I blame him post mortem, because steve would’ve wanted the ecosystem to work flawlessly, and regardless of whether or not he was here today, we would have the same problem.
i mean sure, but do i WANT to use it for that? No, i just want to fucking pay for my shit and leave. I don’t want your stupid little QR codes, i don’t want your silly little NFC, just accept card or fuck off.
Just because you can invent some schizophrenic use for a smartphone, doesn’t mean i have a use for it.
ok rant over, but seriously though, it’s so fucked how you basically just need a smartphone to do ANYTHING these days. I don’t want a phone, i have no use for one.
this would also be susceptible to magnetic field switching as well, shouldnt be a huge technical limitation, but im not sure accuracy is going to be quite as good.