Dining with other people can make you happy too. Not judging in any way, just saying it’s a possibility and sometimes just being able to share shit can make things better.
Dining with other people can make you happy too. Not judging in any way, just saying it’s a possibility and sometimes just being able to share shit can make things better.
Yeah that sounds right on. That’s very common attitude/outlook with Finnish men at least. Not sure if the ladies are different or if my sample size just isn’t large enough, but the women I know are more open.
Maybe it’s more of a oh shit I have to appear happy with everything or the Israel gestapo will get me kind of thing. The human element on these things means there’s always some amount of bending the truth or out right bullshit in the data they use for this.
As someone who grew up in Finland, I get what they mean. Finns only bitch about things to their inner friend circle (very small circle usually), anyone outside that gets maybe a sarcastic everything’s great, especially that thing that’s really pissing me off right now kind of response. At the same time pretty much everyone gets treated generally fine and there is great support available for anyone, so it checks out those markers I assume this happiness quiz thing looks for. Why this feels weird for Finns though, is that there’s also some widespread deep depression in Finnish culture. From my viewpoint as someone who hasn’t lived in Finland for a long time now, I think unlike most other places the source of the depression isn’t the system grinding you down, it’s more internal than that. Maybe just dealing with the elements and trying to figure out what you want do with your life kind of shit.
I’m convinced Finns have just found a way to troll this somehow. Not that Finland isn’t great and all, but it just makes more sense.
Just a little bit of Europe then?