Except in DC most groups can’t stop threats like Darkseid. There’s a reason the top group is the Justice League and a reason Batman is one of the founding members.
If you’re theory held, there should be all sorts of justice leagues etc.
Except in DC most groups can’t stop threats like Darkseid. There’s a reason the top group is the Justice League and a reason Batman is one of the founding members.
If you’re theory held, there should be all sorts of justice leagues etc.
I always wonder what social service is going to stop Darkseid etc.
As far as I understand it, that system is also why our eggs still cost normal amounts. (If a farm has to cull their birds because of avian flu, it’s not millions of chickens.)
I think you’re missing the point a bit.
Both BuyCanadian and BuyEuropean are about supporting their respective economies as they are boycotting America’s.
For Canada, we’re looking at a recession (brought on by our “ally”) so people are trying to help fellow Canadians out as things get rough and people lose jobs.
While I support FOSS and recommend them in threads etc I fully understand why they don’t meet all the goals of those movements. (That being said, I think one of the most rocking counter punches would be EU investment in stabilizing Linux enough to make it a feasible alternative to Windows/Apple for casual and corporate users, solid shot to 2 of the magnificent 7.)
I’m pretty sure most of the time the Justice League saved the world it’s not because they were just giving the military a break.