The truckers that Putin funded, and a scam artist stole their funds those truckers, good riddance
The truckers that Putin funded, and a scam artist stole their funds those truckers, good riddance
Funny thing is Florida is quiet on this, they know they will be hurting from all the tourism money they won’t be getting from Canadians, rightfully so.
not only gerrymandering but voter suppression, plus thier constant rigging never gets challenged, or even investigated.
It’s called the weave
he has a wierd obsession with LOTR, i dont think hes an actual fan of the franchise though, its more like a para-fan. his other company is anduril.
remember when the US started the communist scare menace, it caused many Chinese to flee and one resulted in chinas fastest development of the hydrogen bomb. this time it is worst since its against all stem.
like going to a prestigious school for drivers? julihart for driving?
It’s also the AI issuing most of these bans too. Reddit is already a laughing stock once a msm reports it
Actually because musk complained about white people Twitter and that got banned, and then they tried to eliminate subreddit contrary to maga, and was caught doing it, their excuse was no moderation for those subs. Then they went hats off on banning people, any posts that’s been removed, instant flagged acct, and then some bans don’t even make sense at all.
I had a 3 day temp ban last month, and the suddenly all my alternate accts were sitewide banned for evasion. And I only reported someone, that resulted in my initial ban. I had a 11 year account I dint used for 7 years and another one 5+years, both banned, because one of my old accounts I have been using as a placeholder was temp ban, they decided to see which was sub banned with a previous account years later and just banned all of them
They were like that before, but the last few months that have been super aggressive in banning people, they originally paid no attention to accounts commenting on subs that were banned years ago, they decided that was no longer the case. And also people getting shadow banned out of the blue too
They even posted on the site that half of the comments in many subs are by bots, mostly political ones. Following Facebook and YouTube example by allowing more right wing to AstroTurf “center right comments”
The permabans they are issuing in large numbers kinda indiscriminately is causing them to flee to their sites
Like YouTube hiding the dislike button or something, enshittification is in full effect.
russia also switched tactics in the 80s to primarly use propaganda"to destroy from within", they also saw trump in the 80s as a useful tool to further thier agenda.
“SUckers and losers, whats in it for them”, " i dont like people that are capture or killed"- TRUMP said this.
he also binges on alcohol and cocaine, someone mentioned he would be anesthetized way before oding on ketamine.
trump is obssessed with hitler, so he would probably join hitler in his war effort, also because alot of nazi elements came from USA segregationist/racist policies too.
i had so many of those bans, mostly of someone misconstruing my statement, which im agreeing with everyone on the sub/post. and people are very nosey they look into your post history and acct age.
even making a vaguely implying something should happen is a threat for some reason. evey mentioning race can be touchey to. apparently your not allowed to say black, or demographic.
Beast and Paul have a huge following in Asia, sadly enough.