Imagine if the Goldeneye rerelease happened now.
You’d have a game on the ps5, that requires PS+ to play online, but also needs a Nintendo Online account, AND a Microsoft account (since MS owns Rare).
The future is dumb.
Imagine if the Goldeneye rerelease happened now.
You’d have a game on the ps5, that requires PS+ to play online, but also needs a Nintendo Online account, AND a Microsoft account (since MS owns Rare).
The future is dumb.
It saddens me that this is either meant to remind people of the way things were, or it teaches them a world they never knew.
1995 me would have been excited to see what crazy stuff is on the 2025 internet. 2025 me realizes it’s just a digital version of a carnival scam. Hot singles in your area is just the ring toss game. Give them your money, and then you lose.
The 90s were just factually a better time. Biggest controversy about our president at that time was that our president got blowjobs.
Complete with gif of a construction sign thats animated for some reason.
Anyone want to clue him in on who runs .ml? I feel like it’s going to break his heart. But also, I kinda feel like he should know…
I still buy them, but I prefer when it’s a dvd/blueray/3D (if available) combo pack.
Plot twist. It was 1 zippo lighter, but it was a comically large one. It just weighs 20 lbs.
Shhhhh, don’t give them ideas!
What? Really? I would have thought dvd pirates would have far worse conditions than pedophiles.
…really don’t know if you forgot the /s or not. My instinct is to assume you did forget it, but my assumption is also that nazis died in the 40s, and yet here we are with government officials giving the nazi salute on tv. So trusting my instincts hasn’t gone so well recently.
I mean…I get where you’re coming from, but fuck that!
I’d have deleted the entire matrix server entirely. Washed my hands of the entire thing.
Because you can go to the police, and say “There’s child porn on MY server”, and the cops MIGHT work with you to catch the people actually posting it.
They might take the easy way. There’s a guy here, saying he’s hosting a server with child porn. Arrest him, because we know who he is, and call it a win in the media. Yes thats not how the law works…but it’s how lazy and corrupt cops work.
Cops are never your friend. I’d avoid any interactions with them that you can.
I remember when I was a kid, people used to say “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. One has a yum yum, the other has a penis!”
At no point were nazis involved.
I mean…I feel like you’re asking hypothetical what if questions to lead towards the outcome you want. All the while neglecting the fact that those what-ifs are so far from reality that it may as well be moved from hypothetical to fiction.
IF it were true that humans were mentally incapable of driving cars, then I think cars would be banned. Now circle back to the word IF.
This isn’t a story of a mentally incompatant man hitting someone while having no control of their ability to control the car.
This is a story of a hit and run. Now even if the hit was a true accident, you stay with the injured and don’t run. But they DID run. The moment they ran, this goes from potential accident to assault.
What about me? I’m the opposite. I say EVERYTHING is wrong!!! Not just with me, but with you too. The whole world just seems like a massive dumpster fire.
Everythings wrong with everything and everybody. Fuck Earth!
Remember that time he claimed Teslas windows were shatterproof and indestructable. Then he throws a baseball and the window instantly shatters?
I feel like everybody has the wrong takeaway here. The villagers bought him a car, which isn’t the issue here. Just because you’re inside a car during a hit and run doesn’t mean you’re not still the victim of a hit and run.
I feel like this sub has the wrong idea too. Getting back on a bike, or using public transportation doesn’t fix the issue either.
Everybody is looking at this as a car issue. This is an asshole issue. You CAN drive a car safely. Or, if you hit someone you CAN stop to make sure they’re ok.
The issue here is, somewhere out there in the city is someone who injured someone else, and then fled. The asshole is the issue. The car was simply a tool.
Arrest the asshole! (And this coming from someone who’s also anti-police for the most part)
A whole 7 days??? Gosh gee willakers!!! You think people can uphold a boycott a whole 7 days???
Look. Boycotts are effective, but you gotta be stubborn. It’s gotta be “boycott from now on” with no end date.
Otherwise, it’ll just look like normal fluctuations in their business.
“Oh, this week was slightly down…ah, but then it stopped. We’re good!”
But if you boycott forever, then their numbers continuously go down. And if you get other people boycotting, those numbers go down faster.
THAT’S how you make an impact.
Ya know what? Good. Let’s get this shit out of the way. We all know that at some point we’re all going to have those years where AI is just used to make decisions it absolutely SHOULD NOT be used to make. We all know there’s going to be those years where everything is as stupid as humanly possible. So I say may as well be now, since we already KNOW we’re going to have some stupid years for the next 4 years at least.
So may as well do the AI stupid at the same time as the orange cheeto stupid. Maybe one of the AI stupid decisions will somehow cancel out the corrupt ideas of drumph.
We’re going to have some bad years. That much has already been confirmed. May as well pile everything on, and get it all out of the way at once. Hell, we all know a civil war is coming, may as well get that out of the way. And apparently we’re bringing measles back. That one’s totally preventable by the way. We have these things call VACCINES!!! Which for some reason, people would rather get measles, than a small shot in the arm. These people, in the medical community are known as “morons”. But, here we are. We’re doing this too.
And all of this going on, simultaneously. For reasons that I’ll never understand, and I’ll never agree with. On SO many topics. Regardless, that’s who we are now. We’re the country that actively harms it’s own citizens, so that the president can make more money for themselves. All while the majority of the country AGREES WITH that decision. Then they want to complain about the policies hurting them, by saying things like (and I quote) “he’s hurting the wrong kinds of people”. These people can get fucked. I feel ZERO empathy for the man who sticks his hand on the stove, burns his hand, holds his hand in recoil…and then stick their hand on the stove in the same spot again.
So lets get AI over with. Lets get all the bullshit out of the way. By the time 2028 rolls around, hopefully somebody with some god damn sense will win an election. Will the DNC learn from their mistakes? Lets take a look.
2016 - Trump was a joke, and needed just the most basic candidate. Real middle of the road stuff here. Instead, you decided to run a deeply unpopular and unlikeable woman. This in an election where no woman has been president in the history of the country. And instead of running a popular likeable woman as your first, you ran a woman that turns off voters. And trump wins.
2020 - People were so sick of Trump, that all you needed was any average politician. Any middle of the road guy will do. Oh, Joe Biden? Ok, that’ll work. Biden wins.
2024 - Hey…Let’s try running the EXACT game plan from 2016 where we ran a deeply unpopular woman against Trump. Except THIS time, let’s not hold a midterm, and let’s also spring this on people last minute. Trump wins.
So, will the DNC pick a 2028 candidate who’s likeable, young, strong, has a backbone…Kind of sounds like maybe AOC on a ticket would be perfect. So, will the DNC learn from their mistakes? Oh god…we’re getting Elizabeth Warren instead, aren’t we?
You SHOULDN’T have gotten people off AIM. AIM was awesome!!!
Everybody upvote Luigi content! Get banned! Leave reddit! Reddit crumbles! Fuck reddit! Go Luigi! Lemmy grows! Centralized social media dies! I eat a burrito. That last one wasn’t really on topic, but it’s happening anyways! I’m hungry.
Scott Steiner is