Some movies just refused to play for me. Subtitles for certain releases just straight up wouldn’t load on my lg TV, and then instead of nice picture subtitles I got shitty looking ones.
Idk… I ran it in docker and just assumed it’d all work but it doesn’t.
Also, I really like that plex stores you’re watched state on their server. I lost a jellyfin db once and had to remember what shows I was watching. There’s not a good sync to cloud or something feature for that… Yet another container and solution I have to stand up aside from my media
Yeah jellyfin just isn’t as good. After having issues on LG webos where captions won’t load for like 5 minutes and dealing with that for like 2 years I gave up and went back to plex.
I do like how jellyfin can stream av1
For my web ui apps I just use traefik forward auth with Google. Works great for my use case
Isn’t that what Derek just did to him? Feels bad I guess ;D