Same machine… The framerates I’m getting in Rimworld are off the charts.
Same machine… The framerates I’m getting in Rimworld are off the charts.
I wrote all my reps asking what they were doing about the rise of fascism.
“We’re voting as hard as we can!” was their answer. Oh good. Thanks for fighting SO hard, ya fuckin useless sacks of shit.
there are many very passionate people that are fighting for the rights of everyone in America
Yeah, that fight has been lost. Nobody should voluntarily come to this country. It’s just not worth the risk.
rotten people in power and due to their station they have control of the microphone which makes it sound like that is what everyone thinks. That isn’t true.
Maybe, but it is what the voting majority thinks. The US is, in fact, garbage.
Hate to break it to you, but your “home” no longer exists.
Oh no anyway.jpg
There’s no sense in saving towards something when it has suddenly become more than you could ever afford. Might as well buy some chocolate, it’s good for morale.
The GF and I were looking at houses a while back but never pulled the trigger. Fast-forward 4 or 5 years and now we will literally never be able to afford a house because the prices are fucking outrageous. We’ve given up and just spend our money on decent food instead.
About time. Bullfighting is fucking barbaric.