I only access it via their website!
That girl who plays Steam Deck and writes about gaming + Linux a lot
I only access it via their website!
Hey, this is so sweet of you to say!
Nope, no selling here. Ironically I had a couple of legit job offers for this kind of thing when I was writing these on Reddit last year (before leaving it). So…in some odd alternate universe, I might have been doing just that selling!
For now, I’m very fediverse-addicted. No selling here. I’m glad you enjoyed the few things I found interesting myself! :)
There’s zero percent chance of this.
Sadly, of course, coz I’m the world’s #1 GOG fangirl, but…I mean Remedy asked every publisher if they wanted to be involved. None did.
Alan Wake 2 just would not have happened without Epic. They fronted the money: Epic is the reason it exists at all!
Its far less than it used to be.
Check 1337 and you’ll see the quality of uploads is generally the exact same literal thing as you’d find on a streaming service, or disk.
I fucking loathe DRM. loathe it!
I think there is an option for DRM-free. It’s going to be a controversial take but…when companies pull this kinda thing? I’m more inclined to be a pirate girl than support this kind of process.
I’ll install, and report back on how it is! <3
I do plan to!
I get impatient, because I adore writing these, but I plan to write these weekly :)
Thank you!
This is so sweet of you to say!
Really, this is fun for me. Its going to take all my resolve to not do this again in 24 hours (because, over saturation!), it just makes me happy to find what interests me.
I’m lucky to have found a place like this community, where it just so happens others find that same stuff (so far!) just as interesting!
Thanks for this, made me smile!
I’m the exception to gaming, I have maybe 20-ish games on Steam, but '000’s on GOG. I’ve always had a thing for the underdog, maybe that’s what made me focus on them from the start. I just love their platform, and their ethos. They’ll never be a competitor to Steam or Epic Games, but I don’t think they’re trying to be any more.
I just love them!
As a purely Linux user, I’m just glad Heroic is around so I have options to play with less problems. Heck, they even have an agreement with GOG themselves where they get a proceed of the purchases made on GOG through a special link, or via Heroic.
GOG has its issues, but as someone dedicated to DRM-free games, and games preservation, they are still my favorite lot to buy games from!
I’ve seen the same.
And I can’t claim any ownership of this, this is purely Gardiner’s server! I just…happen to know a lot of the devs and creators in the space, and I’m slowly inviting them in because - well I guess a place like this, more focused and small where we can chat about what we love: developing for Linux, and gaming on Linux might be a nice thing!
I’d just encourage you to make a throwaway account (if you’re so inclined!) and ask in the server yourself! No one can answer better than Gardiner can :)
This is literally like…idk 2 hours old at this point. No ‘big’ posts have been made, just me prodding the odd folk (like here) to join in and see if they like it :)