It’s a fist.
It’s a fist.
No they have a pretty solid point here, the expensive Honda are selling majority manual, the budget friendly Honda sell close to zero, but you can often only get manual on those models by paying for multiple upgrades that push the price so close to the more expensive models you would clearly just move up.
I mostly drove manual in a very mountainous geography.
Pretty much every consumer in every auto market agrees with you. There are downsides to manual, you can grind a transmission’s gears to dust in a couple of days if you do it wrong, you really can’t trust someone to drive your car at all, you are much more actively driving, so you’re paying more attention, but you’re also more stressed, if you’re in bumper to bumper traffic, you will have to do the most difficult aspects of driving every few seconds to inch along for a half hour or more and that’s REALLY shitty, if you need to stop on any kind of hill, you have to be aware your gonna need half a car length or more to get into gear where your just going to be falling down that hill while you convince yourself you don’t need to panic and you will catch the gear before you’re past the point of no return. You get better mileage, you get better control, you pay attention more, you focus more, but it’s not all roses, the risks usually aren’t worth it for modern car buyers.
You’re like a solid 20 years behind here bud, they don’t even offer manual transmissions on high end luxury cars. People don’t buy them. I get it, I miss having manual cars, and it’s not as hard as people always complained, I could teach a dog to drive manual over the phone, it’s really not hard.
As an American most of what I know about Poland is WWII history, Joseph Conrad’s novels, and Stanislave Sucalsky’s art. With that context. I’m glad Poland isn’t about to take shit from anyone.
Yes. A one on one, no holds bared match, mano y mano. Which fat stupid 70+ year old leech will blow a major artery first! Take your bets now!!
They are holding out a fist. Hardly a gang sign. In African American culture a first often represents struggling against racist laws, and principals, against terrorist groups like the KKK, and white supremacy from government officials like Hoover, or embedded in laws and customs, which would fit the title of the song.
Look, this isn’t complicated, they are holding out a fist. This is a pretty universal expression of readiness or willingness to fight.