Hey look china got caught putting backdoors in hardware AGAIN
Hey look china got caught putting backdoors in hardware AGAIN
Looks like you lost this one troll farm account
Not so easy to shit out disinfo when you can’t ban me XD
Wow your whataboutism really proved that China has a free society.
Good job.
You know you are allowed to aknowledge your country has problems and talk about how to fix them? I guess that’s a taboo thing in a dictatorship tho.
And I’d love it if all the rich people in the world stopped trying to burn it down to buy the ashes and instead redistributed their wealth, fixing most economic problems in global society overnight.
You’re right, that was a nice jaunt through fantasy land.
Steam Decks are legit the best console on the market.
So when does the “democratic” country of China have its first free election where someone besides Xi is allowed to actually run/win?
So when does someone besides Putin or Xi get “elected”?
.ml and hexbear are the tankie instances
They used to have a lot of popular communities on there, but they have driven most of them off their space into other instances by now.
If you imply that Putin or Xi are dictators you will get banned from those spaces.
Edit: hey look, I summoned one
Can a dictatorship be a bastion of democracy?
He is a Russian asset and has been since at least 2014
“Everyone elses profits” means other landlords and property owners, not people who plan on living in their home.
Why does being a landlord need to be profitable? Why does being privlaged enough to own a human right come with the right to free money?