Yeah, that’s how it works for most countries
Yeah, that’s how it works for most countries
My parents of different nationalities had me in a third country. It would be really really shit for them (and me) if I didn’t share their nationality. They would have had a foreign child, who would almost always go for a citizenship as soon as possible anyway.
Much easier to just give the kid a passport if their parents have one.
And since I was born in a country that DOES have birthplace citizenship, I technically have three nationalities (only two passports though, way too much work to get the third one)
There are plenty of superpower-through-techology heroes in DC, so a solid public education would probably do it.
If you’re working on a “Batman can stop Darkseid alone” theory, then it logically follows that any well-trained and equipped group could also stop Darkseid, probably better than Batman can. So the priority should be that.
In 2025 they just mean “if either of your parents was a citizen when you were born, you can be too”