Found the guy who didn’t vote lol. Keep being a little bitch, meanwhile we’ll keep fighting for you, loser. https://stacker.com/stories/business-economy/major-boycotts-changed-history
Found the guy who didn’t vote lol. Keep being a little bitch, meanwhile we’ll keep fighting for you, loser. https://stacker.com/stories/business-economy/major-boycotts-changed-history
Dead Kennedys “We’ve got a Bigger problem now” playing in the background: “Welcome to 1984, are you ready for the third world war??”
Just avoid everything GAFAM. They were already capitalist bitches, now they’re fascist capitalist bitches.
Is this loser buying his own cars to try to fraud the government now? “We sold 68 tesla each hours in this location were there’s literately people protesting in front of the dealership.” Of course you did lol. What a pathetic clown.
If it was only peace lol.
He’s a threat the very survival of the specie.
Does saying “The only good fascist are very dead fascist” counts? What if I add that USA is a fascist country now? Will saying Donald is a pedophile still counts (I got banned for it already lol)? What about saying my favorite sport is nazi punching? And if I add that there’s no such thing as “roman salute”?
Is Reddit about to drop a new t-shirt line “Protect fascist’s feeling” or something?
what a whiny bitch you are lol