Because wars are for the profit of the people, right? The people of Ukraine will be busy for half a century or more paying back the US already.
Because wars are for the profit of the people, right? The people of Ukraine will be busy for half a century or more paying back the US already.
The actual news is that DW parrots the German governments opinion. Which isn’t really news either. I dare say that the population in Germany has been “somewhat ambivalent” about the benevolence of US foreign politics for quite a while.
I haven’t bought a single TV in my whole life and I haven’t missed anything important. Whenever I am somewhere where there’s a TV and I’ve got nothing better to do or I’m just curious I zap through the channels whithout finding anything remotely interesting or entertaining 99% of the time. I really wonder what people want with these ad-infested, annoying trashcans. Aren’t you dumb enough, yet? Try heavy drinking. Preferrably methanol or break fluid…
Reddit is fucking dead, nowadays. You can’t seriously call that “living”. Ok, braindead at least
I’ve been boycotting Amazon since the days when they were an ugly data grabbing bookstore and I’ll happily go on until the end of time.
In other news: rain mostly wet, nights darker than days, state leaders neither honest nor sharpest knives in drawers…
The drone murders didn’t find much sympathy here but thanks to most of our media’s, uh… “transatlantic engagement” the topic didn’t get too much publicity.