Maybe god’s power isn’t absolute. He can do things, but it takes effort on his part and stops him from doing other things.
Maybe god’s power isn’t absolute. He can do things, but it takes effort on his part and stops him from doing other things.
I have serious theories on this that I think other cultures have tried to tackle.
Weird how everyone is insulting him but nobody is rebutting him.
Almost like he has a point, but the mob mentality isn’t allowed to acknowledge it so you just tar and feather him.
“Someone says something I really don’t like but I can’t argue against, so I’m just going to claim they’re trolling.”
You’re part of the problem that increases the disparity in wealth, yet you have the audacity to attack people who criticize you for it.
You’re entitled. You’re greedy. You’re a proud consumer. Instead of getting mad at me for point out these facts, you should start to value different things so you’re no longer part of the problem.
You accuse me of not seeing nuance, but turn around and do the same yourself.
I bet that sounded nice in your head, but it doesn’t really hold any relevance here.
See, that’s the problem. You people think it’s all-or-nothing. You never consider those who have less and feel like you should get more before they get more.
The mere idea of spreading out and improving areas to increase the supply of high quality living spaces is not something you would support. You only support the idea of building up, not out.
If that town of 3000 isn’t “good enough” for you, then why should you get more before them? Huh? What are you doing that makes you worthy of it? Oh yeah, that’s your entitlement kicking in. Thanks for proving me right.
You’re part of the problem. And you get mad at me for calling you out on it.
Cartels have been diversifying their investments for years. They’re involved in way more than drugs at this point.
How do we solve it with non-violence?
Have you heard of supply and demand?
This is where your entitlement kicks in. You think that you should magically get access to high-value, low-supply properties before the people living in the areas you deem “not good enough” for you. You already have more than the people living in these areas, yet you think you deserve even more before them.
Greed. Entitlement. Consumerism. Name three bigger pillars of the modern liberal. (and don’t say empathy, you people care more about your money and social status than actually helping others.)
And you’re going to get mad at anyone who calls it out.
Not really.
It’s just being independent.
What about that is right-wing?
Glad I left that instance. Mods need to grow some spines and stop censoring things just because people complain.
We already have the tools to ignore others.
Why would people be loyal to assad? What did he stand for that they support?
I thought that most of the support for assad was out of fear, not respect.
and a metric fuckton of apathy
We can thank those who support the disparity in wealth for that one.
I keep telling my friends rent is going up every 2 years.
Looks like it’s about that time.
Would you be willing to do it in a town of 3,000 people?
The thing that pisses me off is that I’m not Asking to be able to afford a house. I already gave up on that a long time ago.
Sigh. This is part of the problem. We need to value ownership more than renting.
The core problem is consumerism. The idea that if you have more, then you should get more and spend more while complaining you don’t have enough.
I actually disagree. I think most people who share your view of religion come at it from a fundamental point of misunderstanding.
Don’t get me wrong, most devout followers of religions also have fundamental misunderstandings. People like you tend to be unwilling to learn though and immediately jump to trying to invalidate the experiences and reasonings of others.
I’d say it’s coming from a position of fear more than anything else. You’re afraid of what you don’t know and rather than admit you could be wrong about something, you double-down and cover your ears. It’s an easy response to have. It’s harder to open your mind and accept that the people you disagree with might know more about something than you do.