Funny how in “communist” China almost no code is open source. It’s almost like it was never about “the people” huh
Funny how in “communist” China almost no code is open source. It’s almost like it was never about “the people” huh
People are down voting you for your attitude. Stop whining and start doing something 🙄
No matter which side you take in this conflict one thing is clear - the incompetence of Israel and IDF is staggering.
🎶 there goes my hero 🎶
The last two of their games - two point hospital and two point campus - were both incredible.
Thats what’s why peace without securities makes no sense. Ukraine has a huge military now, huge special operations team and a whole lot of angry people if there’s nothing balance this out then ruzies will never be safe.
Impossible to rule not guilty on this and I hope these dudes spend the rest of their life imprisoned.
Launches in 2027 lmao
By that time Chinese evs will be flying or smt
He’s a fraud that knows his time is up and the only way out is through manipulating politics. That’s basically the playbook of every grifter these days.
No what we need is Americans to finally get a spine and topple their dictator. The world and US’ future can’t wait for year long courts that will likely result in nothing actionable anyway.
Can it be any more enshitified tho?
Just legal bullying. Good luck fighting an army of lawyers that are also lobbying the system. That being said all of that would be civil suits so if emulator creators don’t earn money they don’t have much to lose but the ability to continue the work.
Firefox + ublock origin + android is the best browsing experience on mobile.
It’s funny how far ahead 3d printers are in terms of consumer experience, everything is open, everything works and the tech is like 300 times more complex.
2D printer companies should be shamed to death.
What a bunch huh. Imagine hanging out with ruzzia and Iran and continueing your delusion that “you’re the good guy here”