This is going to kill people in order to enrich SwastiKet.
This is going to kill people in order to enrich SwastiKet.
more rubber to make the ride softer
That’s one of the least important contributions to ride softness.
It would make for an amazing driving experience
Going forward and stopping are the easiest parts of a vehicle’s driving experience to implement. Now try getting them to corner well-- that’s more challenging. And nobody needs 3-second 0-to-60 times in normal driving conditions.
Not to mention you would be saving lives in the case of an accident.
You’d be improving the odds for those inside the vehicle at the expense of other drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. The environmental impact of manufacture is also directly proportional to vehicle mass.
Anyway, too much of your analysis is based on the current poor energy density of batteries, which has good potential for improvement in the coming years. SUV-sized EVs are an entry point in the market, but regulators should be providing incentives for manufacturers to shrink them instead of staying with the present unsatisfactorily large size, which is not a positive feature, any more than it is for gasoline-powered SUVs.
Somehow, I knew it was Eich man.
Coke using people tend to get on my nerves
Coke use increases aggression and paranoia. My baseline behavioral profile is laid-back and slightly goofy. On coke, I’m a raging, sarcastic, borderline-violent dickhead. Luckily, I had enough self-awareness and self-discipline to walk away from it.
My own experience with K users is much less positive than yours. I won’t even let them in my house, and it saddens me to see how wilted and lifeless they become after habitual use. It might possibly have some value in a controlled clinical setting, but as a recreational drug, it’s shite.
We could have had Scheme in the browser instead, but the control freaks won and we got saddled with an inferior language instead, misleadingly named after Java because it was so long ago that some people still thought Java was cool.
He’s got a “white guys are persecuted” complex because people call him out for abusing gays, trans people, women and minorities. He’s comparing that to the not-very-effective anti-Irish prejudice in the 19th century. Unlike the murderous attacks on Black Americans and Chinese immigrants, it was never ensrined in law and was largely ignored: Irish people could vote, marry who they wanted to, own property, run businesses and hold political office. The main sources of anti-Irish animusat the time were the Know Nothing party and its friends in the KKK. Both hated the Irish for being Catholic.
You know, currency you can actually buy things with.
Eich should have been banned from any technical enterprise after inflicting Javascript on us all. His shitty views just reinforce that position further.
Thorium’s OK too.
Anyone not goose-stepping in jackboots is a dangerous leftie to them.
IDK, ketamine is kinda similar to alcohol; more psychedelic.
It’s a dissociative. Its effects are more like PCP than like alcohol. I wouldn’t use the term “psychedelic” for its effects-- the biochemical pathways are different as well.
Heard it messes up your bladder.
The metabolites burn your bladder severely enough that you can end up pissing blood. The body load seems to be high as well, frequent users look grey and washed-out, and it damages your cognition.
Never knew anyone who abused it habitually, long term.
I’ve known a few. They started fiending like junkies, lost jobs, destroyed relationships. It’s a dirty drug and, unless you’re getting professional treatment for PTSD, the best advice I can give is to avoid it and to avoid people who use it.
If it’s anything but fasc or bootlicker content, they’ve been trying to ban it.
Basically declaring that they don’t allow free speech.
It’s a privately owned platform. You never have an assurance of free speech on any of those, and on Reddit, the rot set in years ago.
In that case, every stack that you use is riddled with those and we are all hosed. And yet somehow your computer, your phone and the internet keep on working most of the time.