That’s true up until that X thousand mark. There is a limit on the foreign tax credit the US provides. So you pay no taxes to the US up until a certain income figure, then you pay essentially double taxes (US and where you actually live).
That’s true up until that X thousand mark. There is a limit on the foreign tax credit the US provides. So you pay no taxes to the US up until a certain income figure, then you pay essentially double taxes (US and where you actually live).
Extradition is a thing and no matter how much I hate what the rich have made America, I still would prefer to settle our debts. I lived there, I was raised there, I owe them my taxes like a good citizen - but now that I’m gone if I ever get close to having to pay taxes to them again I will remove my citizenship. They no longer provide me any services, in fact I’d argue they hurt me now more than they help me, and I want to become an EU citizen first and foremost.
I’ve always viewed countries as businesses which one should leave when their service and product is bad.
I left the US for Germany almost 2 years ago now. I’m a software/aerospace engineer. It was like time traveling to the future in some ways, worker right are way better here and 6 weeks of vacation has cemented that I’ll never go back.
Now I just need to do my part to make sure conservatives don’t ruin this country any more than they already have. Not excited for Merz to get into power and continue selling out his country.
If you make over X thousand dollars you have to pay taxes on it to the US even if you don’t live there. The value is something like 160k.
If we implemented Die Linke Tax plan (aka Tax the rich more) we could pay off our annual debts and fund our military and fund our infrastructure and we could do it sustainably while lessening the greatest risk to democracy and societal progress (the rich).
But instead conservatives and centralist want to sell out their neighbors and their neighbors kids, increase the debt, and write lucrative contracts for the wealthy.
I’m hoping, with the right policies and communication Die Linke can canbalize the AfD voter base. It’ll be hard with all of the money getting pumped into media to serve the right’s needs, but I’m hopeful the truth can cut threw the BS. Germany seems largely more educated and more responsive to science. But maybe that’s not data driven and just my emotional hope.