This is 100% correct in high detail.
What’s amazing is that many other African countries have the same or a similar rule. And Starlink operates on those counties, meaning that he is willing to engage with the rules-as-official-bribes system. It’s that he wants to try and name the SA government look like they’re prioritizing bribes over “improving” things for the average person. He has demonstrated it’s entirely personal.
Meanwhile, Amazon and EuTelSat are going to have a non-politicized alternative to market before he ever gets his head out of his ass, and lap him in that largest market on the continent.
I will be the first to lean into the fact that over the next 5 years, workflow in every company will change dramatically. It’s going to be like the shift from no one having email, to everyone doing business by email.
But you know what’s a bad idea? Rawdogging that change in real time, on spec, with your human workflow staff out in the street, and your staff are politically-appointed children, all while things like critical infrastructure, healthcare, nukes, air traffic, and the military are your “in production” assets that might go down. All to try and be the guy that shoves his AI in the gap.
All governments moved to email slowly because, among other reasons, email is inherently insecure. Email use by governments, records laws, and encryption standards progressed together. None of those types of knock-ons are considered here.