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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2024


  • Any chance? Why, are you thinking we’ve tried everything? or anything at all?

    I’ll assume good intent for a minute that your question is an honest one.

    Lets start with people having rights in airports. Maybe you miss your plane if you assert those rights but tsa agents with a few days of training should not wield the absolute authority they wield. They are trained little better than rent a cops and their authority should be commensurate with that. They should be accountable for the experience they provide to the public. They should accept feedback, on a curve of course, and the bad TSA personnel should be fired. They need to be accountable for some level of professionalism when interacting with the public.

    TSA should be trained in deescalation skills. Police should as well. This absolutist thuggery cops and tsa agents like to leverage should not be permitted in a civilized society, and there should be real avenues for the public to cite abuse. If we are honest with ourselves, there arent even handed ways to cite and act on abuse, and thats a reflection of abject effing failure of law enforcement and tsa’s leadership. Yes, there are bad travelers, but theres bad authority figures as well, and the thoroughly planned lack of oversight shows that pretty amply. Where is the accountability with these little tyrants?

    From there lets talk about their budget. Its bloated. They have ai programs for detecting threats that are completely unproven. Their equipment deployments are expensive and poorly managed. They should be given barebones security guard level funding because thats exactly what they are. Lets not pretend these are crime fighting heros. They are overpaid mallcops getting what results can be gotten from manning a metal detector. Thats it.

    Cargo containers are not thoroughly searched-- we trust senders to be honest about whats in them. TSA’s budget bloat can be redirected to beef up cargo security.

    There are redundancies and inadequacies in the current process. Why not have some new process flows for bag scanning? Bag scanning is a chokepoint for people that should be distributed. The airport layout should optimize for this. Its not.

    Why has TSA allowed Clear and other companies to sell a nicer version for the rich, that literally closes the walkway to allow their clients to saunter through the queue in a privelaged manner? That should never have been allowed. My time is not theirs to sell. That needs to be ended and the people who approved it fired.

    Why am I not allowed to say anything that a TSA agent doesnt like? This is America, and free speech applies even in airports. They have taken this “terrorism” to an absurd degree and they need adult supervision. There should be no such thing as “contempt of TSA agent” that ejects you from your flight. I can consent to security, but I do not consent to mallcops being empowered to cancel my travel on their whim if they are having a bad day and feel bad about their life choices. I dont care if they dont like my tone or a joke of mine. Does it threaten anyone? No. Unless they find something like a bomb or a gun in my bag, they should mind their own effing business and leave us all alone. And if I ask a question, I should have an expectation that they will answer professionally.

  • yes well in that case I supposed its just too bad that these people who have a more civilized view of these ancient passages arent more forward in the conversation of whether human life that is Palestinian matters at all. As I understand it, the reform movement insists that a comma is missing in Tanya that would counter the idea that Gentiles are simply animals with no good whatsoever in their soul. At the same time we discuss if commas are missing, the head of the WHO was almost killed at an airport yesterday by Israeli fire. Clearly no one on the zionists side cares about collateral damage of innocents, be it Palestinian or other goy. You have to wonder why that is? Where is the respect for all human life? Where is the respect for fraternal humanity? Its certainly appears that zionists dont care at all about such things.

    And we look at polls in America like this one: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/02/how-us-jews-are-experiencing-the-israel-hamas-war/

    62 percent of American jewish people though in April that the way Israel was conducting itself in Gaza was “acceptable”. 35 percent said “unacceptable”.

    Thats not OK. Genocide is not OK. Bombing aid workers, journalists, hospitals, attacking people because of their ethnicity, innocents, women and childrem, people who have nothing to do with Hamas besides their ethnicity-- all not OK. Especially when Israel created Hamas to counter the secular politics of the PLO. Shooting at UN and WHO workers is NOT OK.

    So you’ll forgive me if I now ask questions about whether thse victims are seen as cattle or humans. All the facts on the ground point in one direction, and its not in the direction you claim exists.

  • Israelis think they are gods anyway. It doesnt matter if they are in Gaza. They teach their children that the goyim lack the same sort of human soul as they have. Non-jews (goy) have just animal souls. We are considered equal to cattle or dogs, and are souls are inherently evil, regardless of our actions.

    "R. Yehuda Ha-Levi explains that just as plants are qualitatively greater that inanimate objects because they are living, and animals are qualitatively greater that plants because they have an animate soul, and humans are qualitatively greater than animals because they have an intellect, so are Jews qualitatively greater than gentiles because they have the quality of Godliness (inyan Elohi). Adam was created with this Godly quality, and he passed it on to the greatest of his descendants, and so on through Noach until Avraham. Avraham passed down that quality only to Yitzchak, and Yitzchak only to Yaakov, but Yaakov passed the inyan Elohi to all his descendants. Since then, the entire Jewish People has been characterized by this “spiritual DNA,” which makes them essentially and fundamentally different from other human beings.

    R. Yehuda Ha-Levi therefore concludes that just as a rock cannot become a plant, and a plant cannot become an animal, and an animal cannot become a human, so too a gentile is a fundamentally different type of creature than a Jew and can therefore never become a full-fledged Jew. A convert, according to R. Yehuda Ha-Levi, can become wise and pious and share in some part of the spiritual goodness bestowed upon the Jewish People, but he can never be fully equal to a Jew and can never achieve prophecy. He will always be lacking the inyan Elohi, because his essential nature can never be changed."

    "The soul of a gentile, however, according to the Tanya, is purely animalistic and not Godly. It descends from the evil forces that have no potential for goodness in them whatsoever. "

    “a gentile is not merely a lower form of life, but is essentially and irredeemably evil; his substance derives from the sitra achra, the evil forces that threaten all goodness and purity in the world.”

    “a Jew and a gentile are different from birth and that this difference lies in the essential substance of their being.”

    "Of course, the Rambam admits that the character traits of the Jews are significantly more refined than those of the gentiles. "

    " the Torah learned by a gentile is considered worthless, because a gentile is incapable of achieving true spirituality."

    “based on the opinion that the soul of a convert is of fundamentally lower status than a born Jew, rules that while one is obligated to love a convert, it is certainly improper to marry one or to advise any other Jew to do so. He goes so far as to warn that if one does marry a convert, his children will not succeed religiously because they will inherit an essential spiritual impurity that impedes Torah learning and religious growth.[19]”


    So, just like it’s OK to kill a pig or a wild dog, it’s OK to kill the goy or treat them as you would any other animal. We aren’t talking Palestinians here, Goy are 99.8% of the population of the world. I’m told that we are all just animals to be managed.

    By pointing this out, I am sure I will be accused of being racist. But I’m not the one calling anyone an animal or being a supremecist. I think we are all just humans like everyone else. Palestinians are the same as Jews, who are the same as the rest of the goy. No one is supreme or better. Anyone saying otherwise is a racist.