You’re lying to yourself, and you know it.
It is physically not possible to enjoy everything. You already backtracked, suddenly you were bored, but sitting through something boring is not bad for some reason?
You’re lying to yourself, and you know it.
It is physically not possible to enjoy everything. You already backtracked, suddenly you were bored, but sitting through something boring is not bad for some reason?
And that is utter bullshit.
You can’t be that dense to seriously say you enjoyed every single lecture. That’s a lie, and you know it.
BTW, I’m from one of those “some countries”. And no, nobody, not a single person enjoyed everything. That’s not how reality works.
Who are you trying to impress here?
Sorry, but that’s just an absolutely snobbish way of looking at education.
Of course it’s an investment, you spent years of your life, took exams, wrote theses, sat in boring lectures because a person in their late teens and early 20s has nothing better to do than that? Yeah, sorry, that’s bullshit and you know it.
Haters might call that a contradiction.
No, you’re lying because you don’t confirm the almost universal constant that nothing of that magnitude can be all positive. Net positive, sure. Mostly positive, absolutely. But all positive? Bullshit. Especially, if you keep backtracking.