how shielded are enterprise accounts from the data harvest?
how shielded are enterprise accounts from the data harvest?
United America States format
dude what
The politicians represent you in a representative democracy, the whole point of their office is to be open to persuasion. I would be looking at that group’s effective network building and asking where are the groups representing my concerns/aspirations with such effectiveness
I hope all aussies don’t share your mindset, otherwise it’s a lost country
Look at what’s really happening though: the state is implicitly saying you can have free expression provided your reach is miniscule/ineffectual. The moment you get traction is the moment it will move to block use of your preferred platforms, or simply hard-/algorithmically ban you - it’s functionally identical to suppression of speech/association
They rely on the public’s credulity when they insist freedoms are intact because ‘only one website’ is verboten. It’s a dirty exploit. In reality, all platform denial should be protested
Its primary utility is shoring up their image as the brand where ‘everything just works’ and op/interop is a thoughtless zero friction process. Compromise that and you lose normie, bigtime. So everyone gets locked in…and you get the walled prison basketball court
If you mandate reporting the accountants will design a reporting scheme that makes the default company behaviour appear environmentally friendly
Something something goodhart’s law
The government likes concentrated ownership because then it has only a few phonecalls to make if it wants its bidding done (be it censorship, manipulation, partisan political chicanery, etc)
He’ll get the kissinger treatment and be rolled out to ‘prestigious’ public events like olympic basketball in roder to shore up his credibility as a ‘great american’, (that the US gov even used an insulation strategy like this was a huge tell on their assessment of HK’s war crim status)
Plex is the current war front. May it hold for many years
the idea of stockpiling a lifetimes AV entertainment being within normie’s grasp must have media congloms terrified. Problem is - that accessibility poses risks for us filesharers too, cause a panicked animal is an aggressive one
Can’t show you the old stuff, if we show you the old stuff you wont watch the new stuff