You’re a monster. My scps would go nowhere
You’re a monster. My scps would go nowhere
It’s the right move.
I tell you, the first time you’re sat in front of a CEO and an auditor and you have to explain why the big list of servers has a highlighted one called C-NT-PRIK-5 is when the fun stops.
Explaining that it’s short for ‘customer network tester Mr. Prickles 5’, and is actually a cacti server never really seems to help the situation.
At least a few of the customers got a laugh out of it being on the reports!
Username checks out
You had me digging through old hosts files and ssh configs to find some of these.
I try to name them something that resembles what they do or has something to do with what their purpose is.
Short is good, and if it can match more than one of the machine’s purpose/os/software/look, the better.
If it’s some sort of personal machine, it gets a personal name
Virtual Workstations
ship lxc container host
dock docker host
User on both platforms checking in, it’s great!