That’s why you relax, and drink your coffee slowly. Also, the burning.
That’s why you relax, and drink your coffee slowly. Also, the burning.
Oh, you weren’t getting the response you wanted from your trolling efforts?
Boo fucking hoo
I pity you for seeing every interaction as a competition. Your life must be miserable. But not as miserable as everyone around you.
why so combative?
maybe I just don’t go around imagining abstract death scenarios. your life sounds…. interesting….
then why can’t you let it go?
I recommend some tea. chill
I already did, before my previous comment. Apparently, you can only see what you want to see.
And I can’t be blamed for that
I don’t need a news article to tell me that Israel was never going to stick to the deal they made with Palestine.
Nobody in Israel wants peace. They want to fight this war and win.
So many Israel defenders keep saying that “the Arab world wants Israel wiped off the map”, but it’s Israel who’s doing the wiping of Muslims off the map. What outrageously and incredible pieces of hypocritical shit.
And I say this is a Jew
Hold on, let me whip out my database of every image from every television show ever recorded, and I’ll get back to you.
But, since you apparently know everything, why don’t you tell me exactly what show, episode, and timestamp this frame is from.
What, is that ridiculous and unreasonable?
Why does that Apple II have a Xerox computer inside it?
Fascism is unpopular. 🙁
Edit: for those misreading this, this was me admitting I may be wrong.
Omg so tru
Believe everything you read on the Internet
OK, if she died, literally, days before he did, why was nobody found a dead in the house until many days later?
Did he sit by her side, while she was dead, for days before his heart finally gave up? Did he only come home right before finding her and then dying too?
While this report answered a lot of questions, it certainly raises many others that have not yet been addressed…
Nobody should have to pay for water
Then how were neither of them discovered until remarkable time afterward? His wife may have died before him, but nobody noticed gene well after he was dead. All of us still seems extreme less suspicious.
This is not from House, but it should’ve been.
Maybe stop invading their territory in an illegal war.