The scale of the micro verse is wilder than you realize
The scale of the micro verse is wilder than you realize
Yeah, so Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were neoliberals. So, yeah, major parts of Western governments have been headed to this since I was a kid.
Since folks like me don’t know what neoliberal is, from the Wikipedia page on this subject:
Neoliberalism is often associated with a set of economic liberalizationpolicies, including privatization, deregulation, depoliticisation, consumer choice, globalization, free trade, monetarism, austerity, and reductions in government spending.
It took me until my late thirties but I figured it out. I break my mental freeze from a compliment by just saying out loud what just happened. I say, “That was a compliment.” Then natural empathy and politeness take over and I continue with, “Thank you for the kind words.” This can happen simultaneously with feeling and silently processing the shame and discomfort that being complimented causes.
Good luck everyone.
When I did my first play thru on Xbox 360, and I realized there was no levitation or jumping spells – I can still recall the disappointment. That simple thing was enough for me to not like it as much.
However, going into portals sickened and scared me. I never got over it before I moved on to Skyrim.