Europe is already spending 430 billion Euros annually on defense (compared to about 150 or PPP adjusted 300 for Russia).
This is not about pacifism, this is about not being manipulated into spending even more, when you could rather look into what you are already spending and use that more efficiently. There is a lot of potential to massively improve spending efficiency and also strengthen the defense capabilities.
Defense is not the only problem Europe has, and also just ramping up defense spending elsewhere does not help the Ukrainians defend themselves against Russia.
Is the headline some sort of attempt at click-bait?Edit: ok you changed the title. Makes more sense now.You say yourself that the Linke party is not blocking a removal of the so called debt-brake, and their co-chair is on record saying that after the debt-brake is removed the new coalition can also spend things on defense as part of the regular budget that doesn’t need approval from the Linke (as should be obvious anyways).
So it is clear that this is purely the CDU that is causing this stalemate as the Linke has offered a very reasonable compromise.
But even without considering the above, intentionally or not the Linke is currently the one strengthening the negotiation position of both the SPD and the Greens a lot, both of which at least in theory also favor higher budget flexibility. I sure hope these parties appreciate that the Linke is taking on all the heat and bad Springer press coverage for their benefit (obviously the SPD seems too stupid to use this opportunity though).