In the same boat. It’s been very freeing
In the same boat. It’s been very freeing
Yeah man the radical left’s crazy violent agenda like… Free healthcare, and decent standards of living? No wait I mean the erosion of systems of inequality fuck wait no I mean uh labor rights and empowree workers wait shit no
I’m starting to think the radical let’s crazy agenda is actually far less violent than the status quo
I’ve gone all-in on (properly) federated social media and I’ve got to say it’s been a great experience. After what’s happened to Twitter, with Zuck’s recently stated plans for Meta, and TikTok’s immediate Trump cocksucking, I realized that all privately-owned platforms are as good as compromised, no matter the utility they otherwise provide.
Instagram was more difficult as it was how I found out about a lot of local events, and was my primary connection to a lot of old friends, but it was worth it. I actually reach out and talk to those friends who I previously just followed. It’s restored some actually connection that social media had stripped away, and I find myself avoiding the endless scroll I used to get caught in.
I’m still working on evacuating YouTube, but using RSS feeds to be more deliberate about whose uploads I’m notified about has helped a ton.
I totally understand the desire to own physical media and agree that WB is doing the right thing here, but optical media is terrible means of preserving media. If your discs are suffering from disc rot, you really shouldn’t lose sleep over making or “sourcing” your own local digital copies.