It’s because their orange sungod deemed it relevant.
Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.
It’s because their orange sungod deemed it relevant.
Good god, why are they standing so close to each other! Properly motivated person with nothing to loose could take them out and still do some serious damage to the building, just with a stolen truck.
Not sure if those are real cops. Long time desk workers maybe?
Looks like Musk is using the Japanize “drying river”-model that’s like starter lever shit in economics. Doing that on a society level is insanely stupid.
What? Swiss banks been mean to Putin?
…no one can fully ever take over.
Reason why the country is what it is, is because quite a few have tried an kinda stuck around.
I was going to warn about gazillion “send nudes” and dickpic messages, but I think I’m way too late.
Most of those just work with licences and the products are not made in US. You are not hurting US business by boycotting them, only local entrepreneurs. In US they’ll still get their licence fees.
In Finland McDonalds burger ingredients come from Europe. Beef patties come from East-Europe. Hesburger is the same and their claim on local ingredients is bullshit. Only the bun and possibly fries might be locally produced.
In McDonalds the vegetarian pattie come from US. Those are unhealthy ultraprocessed food and due to logistical distances they are an ecological nightmare. You shouldn’t be eating those anyway.
Same with Coke and Pepsi. They are produced by local companies with licence. If you gave somebody here a US made soda they would be wierded out. Due to agricultural reasons US uses corn syrup to sweeten everything and European taste finds that really funky.
Don’t want to be a negative nelly, but Sweden is probably same as Finland. You don’t see much US products at consumer lever and if you do, they are definately not essentials. Usually they are on the exotics section i.e. candy and soda.
I’ve been with linux for 20 years now and at one point GOG was the place to go, because DRM was one of the biggest problems with wine.
I downloaded all my games stopped using it after they came up with their own electronic store, which I thought was a horrible shit and very clunky on wine.
Steam and proton were rising at the same time and more and more games were working without the usual fuss of installing .dll files, obscure media codecs, .net and etc, so it was bye bye GOG.
Sure is. …and I’m an atheist …and finnish.
Then again church services here mean so little to general public, only few will give a shit. We do have our “fundie zones”, but they usually don’t belong in to that sect.
Oh c’mon. Man with the big head and small mind will have his feelings hurt.
Church service without a single soul involved?
We have done this before all over the world with people with no soul.
I liked the first season of Mandalorian, but right after that it slid in to that “if it moves and makes a noise, you should be entertained”-shitbucket.
I’m expecting that to happen with Andor.
I’m guessing substance abuse and very little sleep has rotted his brain. Same goes to Musk.
Both have the same type of behavioral traits as long time stimulant abusers.
There was was some news about big deal on LNG between Canada and EU, because US used to be a big supplier and I don’t think that will be the last none. Things are afoot,
Such a thing exists?
Dear Disney+
If you ever produce anything worth watching, be assured that I will be pirating it.
First time somebody posted this long time ago it was a low res video in .avi-container, second time it was just a pixelated gif and now it’s just a shit quality image.
Is this how digital content erodes? Everything is repacked to oblivion and the original is buried.
I had to put my pihole on a brake for a while. I had it installed on a raspberry pi 3 and it destroyed 2 SD cards in a month. Now it just runs piVPN and all is well.
Gonna reinstall next time I get a newer raspberry.
I don’t get shot, but I sure lose a few extra braincells.