The saddest thing is that I’m not even surprised anymore.
The saddest thing is that I’m not even surprised anymore.
Assuming the troops are willing to return. “Welcome back, you’re fired!”
Never started buying from amazon. The stories on Reddit where enough to turn way. I admit having searched the site now and then, but you get the same prices elsewhere, Especially in Europe there is no need for them.
I’m sorry for the Caribbean, but if I’m totally honest, the news made me smile.
go big or go home : 100%
Too late. That wasn’t a typo, Terms are going downhill from here. I’m gone.
If we start ignoring the laws, we are no better than Trump and his clowns clan. Go for the alternatives instead. Also, If you keep using the US software they still get all anvertisement and telemetry which is more valuable to them than the software itself anyway.
“Putin ordered Trump to compensate Orban” There, fixed the headline for you